Dutch planisphere for 40° North , perfect anywhere between 35° and 45° North.
A round planisphere, 25 cm in diameter, with instructions and a few interesting tips on the backside.
For use in: Central USA, Southern Europe, Central China, North Japan, Korea.
Dutch planisphere for 50° North , perfect anywhere between 45° and 55° North.
A round planisphere, 25 cm in diameter, with instructions and a few interesting tips on the backside.
For use in: Northern USA, South Canada, Central Europe, Central Asia.
Dutch planisphere for 60° North , perfect anywhere between 55° and 65° North.
A round planisphere, 25 cm in diameter, with instructions and a few interesting tips on the backside.
For use in: North Canada, Iceland. Northern Europe, Northern Russia.
Planisphere for 52° north, in the Frisian language
This planisphere is in Frisian, the second language of The Netherlands and the language that was a main influence on Dutch and that has many connections with Scandinavian languages as well as English.
This planisphere is meant to do justice to all the Frisian (amateur) astronomers that did important work for astronomy, the most famous being Eise Eisinga.
Planisphere for the Netherlands and Belgium - for OBSERVERS!
This planisphere is of the same basic design as the square PLN-NL, but round and in 'reversed colours', i.e. with blue stars and objects of a white background. It is designed for (amateur) astronomers, so people with a good understanding of the Universe.
This planisphere therefore lacks the concise introducxtion to astronomy of the PLN-NL, and the elaborate instructions of the other planispheres, although it does contain an explanation of the extra possibilities of our planispheres.
New are the radiants of the major meteor swarms. It costs € 9.95, like most of our planispheres.