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New Polish and Portuguese Planispheres

Two new customised planispheres

While I write this (6 June 2017) we are in the final stages of the production of two new planispheres: the Polish 'Planisfera dla 50°N' and the Portuguese 'Planesfério para 40° Norte'. Both were ordered by one of our best customers, the German company Omegon/, one of the leading specialist distributors of telescopes in Europe.

Numbers #15 and #16

These are the 15th and 16th language versions we have made so far, bringing our total of original planisphere designs (so not those based on earlier designs) to a staggering 33:
  • nine English standard versions for the entire populated world
  • at least two other English planispheres (for 25° and 35°N; may have forgotten one or two)
  • four Dutch planispheres (40°N, 50°N, 60°N and a special observer version with a white background for 52°N)
  • three French (40°N, 45°N and 20°N)
  • two Spanish (40°N and 30°S)
  • two Norwegian (60°N and 65°N)
  • German, Danish, Swedish, Finnish, Greenlandic (Inuit!), Frisian, Turkish, Italian and Romanian planispheres
  • and now the Polish and Portuguese models.

Customised products

The two new planispheres are not the first for which Omegon had to provide the translation: the Romanian Planisferã for 45°N was produced in 2011. Besides they carry their versions of our French model (their bestseller), our English, Spanish and Italian planispheres.
We are now working on a total order of 4500 for them, including re-runs of the French and English models, the two new ones and two smaller models (17.5 cm/7 inch) in German and French. As we assemble the two parts ourselves, this means a few busy weeks!

The new Polish and Portuguese planispheres

Below you will find the new Polish (left) and Portuguese planispheres.