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About the books

An old dream became reality when our series of three astronomy books for beginners were published, in the years 2006-2009. They are:
  • Genieten van de sterrenhemel (Enjoying the Night Sky, the introduction) - 65 pages, ca. 100 pictures and over 90 illustrations
  • Genieten van het zonnestelsel (Enjoying the Solar System) - 97 pages, ca. 150 pictures and over 60 illustrations
  • Genieten van het heelal (Enjoying the Universe, about stars, the Milky Way and other galaxies; also about electromagnetic radiation and matter) - 65 pages, ca. 125 pictures and over 50 illustrations
The books are written in a style well suited for young and old and are filled with a few hundred colourful illustrations and nearly 400 pictures. Text, illustrations and lay-out are by Rob Walrecht, based on his more than thirty years of experience with astronomy education.

Other books

  • Higgs gevonden - Compleet overzicht van de bouwstenen van de materie (Higgs found - Complete overview of the building blocks of matter) - written by Rob Walrecht and Luc Hendriks, 17 pages.
  • De Oerknal en het uitdijend heelal (Zoeken naar het begin van alles) (The Big Bang and the Expanding Universe (Searching for the Beginning of Everything), written by Rob Walrecht and Prof. Henny Lamers, 34 pages.
All of these are now only available in Dutch, but we hope to find publishers for versions in English, French, German and other languages.

If you are a publisher and are interested in our books, please contact us.

Our books: