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About the posters

The many illustrations in our series of three astronomy books are a real treasure and were used to publish a set of six astronomy posters (In Dutch only). Later teachers requested that we also bring out a simpler set for primary schools (Set-SCH).

For these posters we also hope to find publishers for versions in English, French, German and other languages. However, we may publish them in English in smaller numbers in 2021.

If you are a publisher and are interested in our products, please contact us.

Five sets

We have five sets of posters, one of them being the complete set of the six posters of Set 1, 2 and 3:

Set 1 (ASTR) - Astronomy (2 posters, 50 x 70 cm)
  • Alles beweegt! (Everything moves!), about the Earth's rotation and the movement of the Sun and the Moon.
  • De sterren (The Stars), with everything about stars: their sizes, colours, temperature and brightness.
 Set 2 (ZS) - The Solar System (2 posters, 50 x 70 cm)
  • Overview of the Solar System – The Solar System in five steps, from the inner Solar System up to the Outer Oort Cloud.
  • Members of the Solar System – about the sizes of planets, dwarf planets, satellites and other objects, and their distances to the Sun.
 Set 3 (HEEL) - The Universe (2 posters, 45 x 95 cm)
  • Overview of the Universe – an overview of the complete Universe in nine steps, up to the visible Universe.
  • Radiation from space – showing the Electromagnetic Spectrum and interesting information about radiation.
Set SCH - Astronomy for primary schools (2 posters, 50 x 70 cm)
  • The heavens move! – about the daily and annual movement, the movement and phases of the Moon and more.
  • The Solar System: our neighbourhood' - with a 'family portrait' of the Solar System, an overview of the Solar System in three steps up to the Kuiper Belt and a scale model of the Solar System up to Neptune.
  • This set has written explanations, that can be downloaded for free (in Dutch), which allows both posters to be simpler, with less text parts.
Below: Set 1 of two posters: 'Everything Moves!', and 'The Stars'

Below: Set 2 of two posters: 'Overview of the Solar System' and 'Members of the Solar System'.

Our poster set 'Overview of the Universe' and 'Radiation from the Universe':

Below: Our poster set 'Overview of the Universe' and 'Radiation from the Universe':