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'Master' text for making translations of our planispheres


Planispheres in any language!

After designing and producing the 15th and 16th language versions of our planispheres, the Polish and Portuguese planispheres, we made the 17th language version in 2019: in Catalan!

It clearly shows our unique ability to make any (customised) planisphere you as customer might need!
We already have standard planispheres (our own publications) in English, Dutch, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Turkish and Frisian (the second language of the Netherlands!); and customised planispheres in Norwegian, Swedish, Finnish, Danish, Inuit (native people of Greenland), Romanian, Polish, Portuguese and now Catalan.

Mind you, we can't provide the texts in other languages than English and Dutch, so you would need to deliver that yourself.  For your convenience we offer master files in English: If you have questions about this, please let us know.