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Why should you have your own customised planisphere?

Having your own customised planisphere, with the name, logo and details of your organisation, may be an investment, but the advantages are clear: they are a sort of wonderful business card for your planetarium, museum, school, business.

Unlike real business cards of catalogs, people will keep their planisphere, as it is such a wonderful instrument, a great guide to the night sky. In fact, they will probably show it to family, friends and colleagues!

The advantages

Ideal premium

A customised planisphere is ideal as a promo for your customers or prospects, or a gift during special actions. Everybody like the planisphere, as it is simple 'instant' astronomy: just set it for the correct date and time and the planisphere shows you what you can see outside!
And as most people have no idea that such a simple 'guide to the stars' exists, it will be highly appreciated by anyone who receives one. So it will not end up in the trash, but on the bookshelf. And your customers and prospects will enthusiastically show their planisphere to colleagues, family, friends and others.

Custom made for your needs

A customised planisphere can be designed to suit your purposes. They can be simplified for schools, or, conversely, extended to show more objects and features. Of course, the reverse side will also be designed according to your wishes and needs, to include, for instance, data of planetary positions, extra explanations of more languages.

Everything is possible!

Since 1993 we have produced tens of thousands of customised planispheres for customers in Europe and North America. Among these customers are many planetariums and museums, but also an accountants company, a farmaceutical company and several national parks. You'll understand that our expertise in this field is second to none!

Our motto is: Everything is possible! The only thing we will not change is the sky... Well, not too much, anyway.